8 april 2011 - Inside BBT

Last moments @ BBT offices. almost 16 years ago we moved towards here. Many things have changed to improve working accommodations. All this to be able to provide optimal service and efficiency. Now our last days are there but as you can see we are still working till the last minute. Many of us have a lot of memories since they start working in this, to most of us VW addicts, known BBT building…

Sales… Pascal, Marc, Frank and Stephanie… It seems Pascal doesn’t like the fact he needs to leave his old desk…

Purchase, Alain and Stijn, always working hard to source for parts @ good price/quality level.

Last but not least, accountancy… To ensure we can continue doing our thing.

8 april 2011 - Inside BBT

Due to move BBT will be closed on Tuesday 12th April.
From 13th April till 16th April limited stock ONLY available in our new shop.
Monday 18th April we will be fully operational again.

Wegens verhuis zal BBT gesloten zijn op dinsdag 12 april.
Van 13 april tem 16 april reeds beperkte voorraad beschikbaar in onze nieuwe winkel.
Vanaf maandag 18 april zijn wij terug volledig actief.

BBT sera fermé le 12 avril pour cause de déménagement.
Du 13 avril jusqu’au 16 avril seulement stock limité disponible dans notre nouveau magasin.
A partir du 18 avril nous serons à nouveau actifs.

Umzugshalber ist BBT geschlossen am Dienstag 12. April.
Vom 13. bis 16. April nur beschränkten Vorrat im neuen Geschäft erhältlich.
Am Montag 18. April sind wir wieder aktiv.

new address:

Nijverheidsstraat 21
2960 Sint-Job-in-‘t-Goor
Antwerp/ Belgium

Same road, only 100m further.

7 april 2011 - Inside BBT

Exterior paving started, I bet these guys don’t want to see any bricks anymore in short time when they finished this job… Almost 1/5th done. Hopefully wheather condition remains good (dry) so this job can be finished very soon.


* indicates required
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