4 oktober 2015 - Meetings

Wowh what a day yesterday! … We did start @ Flat 4 HQ on our cruize to the “Klassisches VW Treffen in Japan”… a strictly vintage VW show in the land of the rising sun…. are You ready to join?

DSC07447 Journalist and photographer Shin, from Let’s Play VW fame, all ready for action pics in his own pure style…

DSC07453 VW’s on the Japanese “Autobahn”….

DSC07464 Marl Merrill and Kimbel Ritch, both from california USA,  in the Hebmuller “loaner” car out of the Flat 4 collection….

DSC07470 The BBT split, with Japanese temporary license plates… a dream came trough for yours truly in order from my wish to drive my own VW’s on every continent and asq many countries as I ever can…. one step closer to my target…. I’m super proud!

DSC07484 How beautiful is this???,

DSC07489 low light Ghia convertible cruized happily along…

DSC07498 stops down the road where a real fest for the eye!

DSC07501 Japanese are very dedicated collectors… there is so many beautiful VW’s here!

DSC07502 many years been given away by their license plates… from all countries ever visited license plate culture must be the strongest in Japan!

DSC07506 Barndoor pick up with matching color standard split window…

DSC07507 The Belgian BBT split with dual license plate up front,  avery strong Belgian Japanse connection!

DSC07551Just motoring around…:)

DSC07559 …. at the toll booth…. everybody is extremely polite….  handing your change with two hands is a form of respect… this a normal thing in Japan! Respect is everywhere…

DSC07561 yes, also this edition was close to mount Fuji…

DSC07565 DSC07566 a brief cruize stop for a picture moment in an extreme cool location…

DSC07585 Terror Garage family had the Hebmuller fully loaded!

DSC07590 yammie barndoor..

DSC07599 our split fits perfectly…

DSC07605 with a big BBT fan…” plse sign my rear window”…

DSC07611 Long time BBT friend of Da Houze Yoshi and is recently finished Cognac color Low light Ghia! almost entirely build up with NOS parts….

DSC07618 cool low light line up…

DSC07627 and even more cool split window line up!

DSC07640After a cool day cruisin’ a very welcome to the show… our final destination today!

DSC07660“Konychawa” from the show,  tomorrow You get full show report!

DSC07687Saturday event ceremony included a small word of respect and a big thank You in a speech from yours truly…

DSC07706 and also from friend Mark Merrill, a really first time an US collector visited this show..

DSC07712 and finally a real cool kind a “VooDoo” gift from Indonesia for Mr Komori, handed by Terror garage Yanto in person!

DSC07721Who can say more? Nice gift to the organisation and mr Komori from the US club from Kimbel Ritch


Tomorrow a full show report, forecast is good, promised to be a wonderful VW day…

3 oktober 2015 - customers

Flat 4 in Tokyo is always a good place to visit….. Major BBT partner for  BBT in Japan!

DSC07218 é

2 Hebmullers on the second floor! This is what they call a SHOW room in Japan!!

DSC07399Walls and cabinets, full of EMPI parts, real EMPI parts, from a real rich period in VW aftermarket business…

DSC07402 Steeringwheel anyone?

DSC07405 Nao, general manager of Flat 4 himself, helps out yours truly at the counter…:)

DSC07408Well known dragster on display….

DSC07412This is the Flat 4 main office, or shall we call it “the bridge” like from an ocean liner??? This is the Flat4 nerve center for sure…

DSC07415Nice display of cars… and look close….;

DSC07417 2 cars from Belgium arrived on time… after Bad Camberg, Chimay and Spa, we shipped the Terror Garage Hebmuller and the BBT chocolate brown split window to Tokyo for a the 4th International Vintage Treffen in Japan! This is Guest parking only!!! Thank You Mr. Nao, Thank You Mr.Komori for helping us!

DSC07422 Terror Garage made very very cool stickers…

DSC07423 Yanto and Michaël of Terrror Garage fame just arrived on time too…. and mounted the Kamei Airdam on their Hebmuller…

DSC07424All together where the happy 4… Nao-san  thanks again for all help receiving and storing our cars! Without your help it would not have been possible!

DSC07426Everything is ready for the drive tomorrow…. Tomorrow… we will drive our cars trough Tokyo!!! Stay tuned…. we’re so excited…. you too?

2 oktober 2015 - NEW

This week we have 2 great products!

We’re proud we can finally offer a perfect alternative exhaust for your 181, Thing, Acapulco, Trekker or whatever You want to call the Volkswagen type 181 leisure car. The exhaust is made by Vintage speed and offer the same quality and fit like any other Vintage Speed exhaust. Good quality and good looking too!

Finally the perfect solution for your “Thing” exhaust issues!

3280-400 Exhaust – THING ‘Vintage Speed’ with pre-heat risers / Stainless steel – T181


Especially for competition engines. Reduces the resistance. The gear wheel of the camshaft is adjustable to accelerate or to delay a few degrees with regard to the crankshaft.

1624-2 Straight cut cam gear Type 4



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