9 juli 2015 - Friends of the house

From the hotel to the start of the Gotthard pass was only few kilometers. And so early morning was extremely beautiful and perfect timing to pass one of the most beautiful Alps roads, Darrell was all alert with his camera, and took at least a thousand pictures!


No tunnel for these guys, we take the old pass and even the side road, on cobble stones….

Darrell thanks the weather Gods…:)

DSC03698_blog Darrell take even risks some times to get the right angle shot…

DSC03714_blog We made it! Yes!!! The top of Gotthard pass, 2106 meters!

DSC03721_blogThe road down south is more beautiful as the North side up…. for Darrell it was all just a thrill!

DSC03723_blog Also Nicolas had a good time, a very good time!

DSC03737_blog Mountains and VW buses, they don’t come any better…:)

DSC03738_blogVery natural between cows with bells…:) Seems like we’re back in time…

DSC03740_blogNext was maybe less impressive, but at least as beautiful, the Nufelen Pass, or Passo della Novena in Italian language… the highest from this trip  2478meters

DSC03761_blog The buses before the lonely mountain cabin…:)

DSC03766_blog Ever saw David this relax? Hey David, mountains are good for you!

DSC03769_blogWe passed several little mountain towns, nestled cozy between the mountains, I always feel the churches do stand out…

DSC03778_blog DSC03791_blog….and Darrell? He was just one happy fellow… or according to him… the Alps been the highlight of his trip!

DSC03809_blog The way down from Nufelen pass…

DSC03817_blogThe last one for today… Simplon pass, 2005 meters. David had a fuel problem, or at least his pick up….on the way up…  in a tunnel, in road works…. and it was about 42°Celsius… real fun is different, but part of a trip… we fixed with a quality electric BBT fuel pump and continues, nothing can stop us now…


Tomorrow we drive into Italy, because of some breakdowns we’re slightly behind schedule… so we skip Lago Maggiore, (damn!) and drive straight to Tuscany….  stay tuned!

9 juli 2015 - Friends of the house

Friend of Da Houze, Dr Pete Keesling, from San Martin California  a real super VW fellow, and especially a very nice person, had a major crash in his oval window beetle, sad to see, but good to hear  Dr Pete will all heal  ok

IMG_2868_blog here is Dr Pete’s own message…

Since the cat is out of the bag (so to speak), I’ll let you know …I was T-Boned yesterday by a young guy in an SUV. Both of us were at speed limit (45mph). He had a stop sign and didn’t see it….hit  me on the right side, sending me into the windshield and the car into a fence, a piece of which ended up in the car. 1.2 miles from home…..almost made it…

I’m okay and will recover fully. Broken ribs and a cracked cervical vertebrae, along with large number of staples and sutures to close a lot of open wounds. Tough day….my herd was reduced by one…Pete

IMG_2869_blog IMG_2874_blog IMG_2876_blog IMG_2883_blog IMG_2868_blogPete out on behlaf of all BBT VW friends we wish You a speedy recovery! Man oh man, don’t do that again!

8 juli 2015 - Friends of the house

….leaving the Bugatti Museum it was only a mere 100 kilometers to BBT’s exclusive distributor for Switzerland, Cagero AG. Roland, Gery and their team very welcomed us…. and Darrell off course!

DSC03524_blogCagero is one of the most nice VW shops of the entire globe, if you ever pass Switzerland a stop in Birr is really mandatory! David is all over it!

DSC03527_blog Roland shows how they use their “shelves” for quick pick…. no work for pussies here!

DSC03529_blog In between the Cagero private collection was this Meili tractor, very nice original one, powered with a VW engine!

DSC03530_blogAfter engines cooled down and we refreshed a little (it was close to 40°C) we continued our trip and the real beautiful was about to come….

But first we saw this VW dealership and the church right behind, we couldn’t figure out if the church is from the VW dealership????

DSC03532_blogIt became later afternoon when we drove along the borders of the lake Lucern, and when we continued to the much smaller Sarnersee, sunset was impressive….

DSC03554_blog Darrell greetz all of us, VW lovers, out of the roof of the 58 samba, his favorite picture stand! 

DSC03556_blog it only became more beautiful!

DSC03574_blog … and Darrell was all over it now, here we see Darrell at speed!!!

DSC03598_blog a small stop….  what we wanted to do?

DSC03606_blog We decided to call it a night right before the Gotthard pass…

DSC03611_blogWe booked a small local mountain hotel and had a good rest of sleep… in the morning the two 58’s awaited us for a new adventure, let’s go “over” the mountains….

DSC03614_blogmore tomorrow!


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