

20 oktober 2014 - BBT Travels

End of last week I left again for the west coast of the USA, its almost like magnetic to me lately… too many things to do!

Flight was real cool, never saw San Francisco so clear from the skies…. can You reconise The Golden gate Bridge?

DSC04412_blog DSC04418_blogit was only a couple of hours after landing when the first bus was on my trailer… something I had to finish from a previous trip….

What a Hulk!

IMG_8424_blogoh,  did You check out our new license plate on the SUV?

are we ready for some more miles?


19 oktober 2014 - Fun

Is this real patina? Or is it just worn out one may ask? But its that original…. all specs and history at the bottom!

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18 oktober 2014 - Friends of the house

Friend of da House, Christian from Germany, was in search for a Tempo Matador for many years, he simply felt and knew there had to be one Tempo with his name on!

After several inspections from Tempo’s in South America (some in cooperation with BBT) he received a call the other day if he was interested in a Tempo Matador that was less as 200 km from his house! Several days later that tempo resides now in his garage!

IMG_0985_blog Tempo’s are so cool!


If Christian is a happy guy now? You bet! Congratulations Christian! A nice and cool Tempo, and I know, better then anyone, they’re loads of fun!

A lesson to be learned? When dreaming’ about a certain car don’t buy impatiently, but have the courage to wait and see, and be always in a “seek” modus…


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