

15 augustus 2013 - Inside BBT

0001114th of May 2009… BBT Blog start with this post; “Look at BBT from the air… BBT welcomes really everybody on its new Blog, even visitors from Mars!”

Now, after 1553 days, more than 1200 posts and almost 1100 comments we decided it was time to start-up a new and more up-to-date BBT Blog to make our posts even more interesting for everyone who has a weak spot for our Vintage VW passion.

We hope you like our new Blog site. Feedback is more than welcome!

14 augustus 2013 - Fun

This guy really looks like Jimmy Hendrickx, doesn’t he? Having fun with a young blonde in a Beach buggy, ain’t life a bitch!

Jimmy buggy_blog

13 augustus 2013 - Meetings


Drive-In movies were very popular from the ’40’s but many of these disappeared. Nevertheless there are still some Drive-In cinema’s existing in our area but the “audience” isn’t that classic anymore except… when you visit the Aircooled Drive-In #4 in Thorn (NL) this weekend. More info can be found at their Facebook page. Highroofs & Pop-tops in the last row please!!!


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