Every friday we try to inform You about products we thought worth mentioning to You…
New in the BBT program :
BBT # 0890-975 Inner front panel Bus -67
Brand new in our already big range repair sheet metal for your beloved Split Bus -67. We’re proud to present you the High Quality and perfect fit inner front panel for Split Bus. Available now @ your local BBT dealer.
New and improved Quality update:
Turnsignal lens left Bus 8/67-7/72 or better known as T2A, clear/orange euro model with E-marking Use BBT #0616-62 for left and BBT #0616-63 for right
Our purchase department found a new and way better Quality for your turn signal lens for Bus 8/67-7/72 with removable orange inner lens , just like the original ones always have been ….Get yours now …
BBT # 0681-505 Relay 6V 40A
This product changed quite a bit, this universal and multi use 6v RELAY without fuse from 30Amps before to 40Amps without fuse .
Back in stock :
came in this week after being longer time unavailable from our shelfs….
BBT # 1410-50 Gasket outside swing axle Original
Product Highlight :
As every week we would like to spotlight some nice real High Quality Products
This week we have for you our Californian mirrors , with that typical cone shape you can really give it that “Cal Look” you’re looking for …Just ask for these @ your BBT dealer nearby …
BBT # 0468 California mirror left and BBT # 0469 California mirror right
Your BBT T25/T3 Vanagon needs :
This week we like to give some full spotlights on T25/T3 Vanagon exhausts we stock for you.
BBT # 1077-100 Exhaust T25/Vanagon CS 08/80-07/87 (1600D)
BBT # 1077-300 Exhaust T25/Vanagon JX 08/89-07/92 (1600TD)
BBT # 1078-200 Exhaust T25/Vanagon DH 01/83-07/85 (1900WBX)
BBT # 1078-300 Exhaust T25/Vanagon MV 08/85-07/92 & SS -07/92 (2100WBX)
BBT # 1078-400 Exhaust T25 DF 08/86- / DG 01/86- & DJ 08/85- (WBX)
BBT # 1077-310 Pipe before exhaust T25/Vanagon JX 08/89-07/92(1600TD)
And way more of these HQ BBT Products to fulfil your T25/T3 Vanagon needs …. check our online catalog and/or pricelists.