Wintertime gives some more time for long-term projects…
Koen is working on the new BBT Samba bus, a 1964 Turkish in original paint….
Wesley, on the other hand, is hard-working to transform our patina zwitter back into a driving car
and in our spare time we restore a Westfalia trailer into a new BBT bounce castle carrier… “from the ground up”….
This week FPU we bring You some more necessary bus parts to finish that bus of you like it should….
After we delivered the late bay window gas tank under BBT 0492-920 we have now also the gas tank for your early bay window available, gas tanks do rot or get a lot of dirt in,side, well this new gas tank solve all of these problems for a price mainly cheaper as letting restore your old one!
0492-918 Fuel tank Type 2 08/67-07/71
.Regularly gone, missing or eaten by sunlight and heat we supply now these new trimplates for your interior early bus door handles….
0524-636 Trimplate door handle inside, black – pair Type 2 08/68-08/72
…and last but not least this week we bring you a real fine reproduction for the side reflectors on your early bay window with the base plates, together with our fine range of late (square ) style reflectors that You can find under BBT ref 0616-600 series of part nrs we have all side reflectors for bay window covered now… BBT your one stop VW ( side-reflector) shop!
0616-670 Side reflector lens and seal front – Orange/Chrome Type2 08/67-07/70
0616-671 Side reflector lens and seal rear – red/Chrome Type2 08/67-07/70
7565-200 Seal for front side reflector lens Type2 08/67-07/70
7565-205 Seal for rear side reflector lens Type2 08/67-07/70
Friend of da Houze Øystein Asphjell from Norway debuted his beautiful 1951 Porsche in bad Camberg on june of this year. This car is restored very nicely in an old racer look… Øystein used tremendous amount of BBT quality parts to achieve this goal… If you’re aiming for a top-level car don’t take a risk and use BBT parts where You can ,