It’s a common thing, there are not much photographers who like to be photograped. Also Paul, house photographer of “Boxertje/classicVW” as from recent 1960 photoshoot does not like this. It took several sneak and peek actions to get him as he was always hiding himself behind his tripods.
He dropped by to make a nice photoshoot from BBT’s new accomodies and the weirdos who live there. Thanks for your visit Paul, we are quite curious what the result will be.
Everything has to be spot on for the BBT open house, june 23 evening… so last parts of green borders around the new building are being taken care for, sow the grass on the last remaining parts of the plot is part of it!
if Father and son from Joosen landscaping did there job well You can come and inspect yourselves at the open house, June 23 from 3.00 till 9.00pm, show up in your aircooled VW or purchase @ the BBT shop and get free drinks and food!
Spread the word, don’t miss out, this year bigger and better than ever!
With no real truck anymore since our trusty MAN left us, we drive only with vans anymore… but we do have trailers as well so we can still move some serious volumes, even more like the MAN truck could carry!
Nice combo huh…..