BBT will be closed completely for Belgium National bank holiday on July 21st.
No phone, no email no nothing, sorry…
No orders will be sent out on July 21, all orders coming in these days will be handled on Monday July 24!
Saturday July 22 the shop will be open during normal business hours.
BBT Pascal exercise his Bugster (European version of a Baja bug) very often and every time he get the change for it. Besides this bug been build with all BBT parts many moons ago, Pascal also test regular BBT parts to extremes… and yes, sometimes he goes very deep to test our parts… as seen here on the last European Bug In off-road track….
Pascal say Hi to all of You!!!
We’re proud on our warehouse, and we try to do everything to keep it clean.
Clean is important to us, as it saves a lot of breakdowns in our electronics, scanners, VCA’s and such, but also our orderpickers and reach trucks are electronic…
So we had already the small broom machine, but expanded with our own micro scrub, wash and water removal machine, all in one and very compact, perfect for in between shelves! We called our “kilo” and really, don’t ask me where that name comes from!
No dust in our warehouse anymore!