

21 maart 2022 - Meetings

20 maart 2022 - Random

Jos came across this crazy picture on the net…

Imagine your neighbour decided to gonna paint his car…just in the street…

Long time ago somewhere in UK…

Who needs a paint booth???

Have a happy lazy Sunday, guess Bob will have a little bit of sleep too!

19 maart 2022 - Random

On last couple of days we’ve been busier as ever. Many OE suppliers (no pictures allowed) had to be visited before our departure.

Passing our friend of Da Houze Marcos from Garage MACFEL fame we halted for a coffee and some cool pictures.

Marcos has a growing restoration shop, building only Kombi Brazil for export to Europe and USA, Every time we come here his business is growing…

A dinner invitation with THE man behind the Brazilian Volkswagen scene we couldn’t decline neither, on the way back from another far away visit to Sao Paolo we stopped in Campinas to meet our friend Luiz, editor of VW Klassik and VW Kustom, the two leading Volkswagen magazines in Brazil.

He’s absolutely my favorite source for Brazilian specifications….:)

Thanks for dinner Luiz, Madero rocks!!

Driver Clemmerson was a great guy, we had good laughs and he’s official BBT driver now, please see the BBT sticker on the back of his car…:)

Thanks Clemmerson, you’re a fantastic driver…

On the road to next supplier and to the airport, Brazil has many freeways and most are  busy enough….

We like to thank everybody that helped this trip come to what it was. I had great times, life time memories and worked never any harder like last two weeks.

Many new products have been found, more suppliers convinced that quality really does matter and more productions secured.

But in the end it was the people that made the difference.

I’m extremely happy I can tell I have really good friends and relationships in Brazil.

Thank You guys, you made this trip as successful as it became.


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