One of Belgiums favourite classic car car photographers, at least my favourite that is! just opened his own website… all about automotive photography….
Paul Peeters is a nice chap, and takes really time to perform his job well…
Hereunder one of his pictures from our 1952 totaly unrestored convertible.
isn’t she lovely?
for all of his art work just go to
give hile a “thumbs up!” woill Ya? oh yes, tell him BBTBob sended you… hihi…
Finally available!!!
After two years of research and try outs we’re extremely proud to present our final production to the public market. As an innovator BBT stepped up again and brought You the ever popular real steel GT sprintstar wheel back to the market.
Available in Chrome or grey finish in 4.5 or 5.5 by 15 in several offsets, together good for no less than 14 different models to choose from. No other wheel manufacturer for classic VW’s ever went that far, to serve the VW market what the VW market really needs…
Every single BBT GT sprintstar wheel comes with its own 100% perfect steel center cap included…
As we, at BBT, take care for things seriously the wheels are from a very high quality, inside out!
These are the wheels we will run the upcoming season on several BBT cars, if You like to be part of the talk of the town next VW show, don’t miss out and order your set today!
For any more information contact your local VW distributor for any more information. Information about the closest VW distributor in your area You can always get on