Follow the king of cool Steve Mc Queen… an early 911S is your real ticket to COOL! Ana a 911S is a perfect fun driving machine too!
This 1970 911S is on its way to us, directly from its last and current owner. A man who took real pride on his possession. He restored this 911S extremely nice with only high quality (read NOS or original) spare parts… all is looked after and detail is extremely nice!
A real opportunity in todays Porsche market…
and now in the truck to the boat my friend…:)
Early 911’s are hot, and this is superhot, very nice color and finishing, for all further information do not hesitate to contact me on
A real cool movie from around 1965 made in the UK. all about recycling in these early days… especially around 3min15sec its start to get hilarious…:)
Have a nice sunday and enjoy!