

6 maart 2011 - Inside BBT

Last week we waved out our MAN truck… after 711.000 trusty kilometers (444.375 miles) we tought it was time to replace, this time with vans again to deliver and acting faster.

many BBT drivers will our MAN remember as a extreme nice piece of German truck technology, never ever let down, its whole life!

well it goes You good my friend,  hope You can serve your new owner for many years to come!

Bye bye…..

5 maart 2011 - Publicity

We might not notice but… Time flies and even our oldies get even more old…

While clean up in preparation to our big move we found some machinery and this… An ’80’s revival? Or not?

Stories are more than welcome for those who aren’t familiar with this…

3 maart 2011 - Inside BBT

…leaves your BBT-team.

5 years she has been responsable on administration & invoicing for BBT’s sales team what she did fully dedicated and with a high grade of perfection. Many times she was the cause on stress in our BBT team, only to reach her target… making sure invoicing was correct. All of this to serve our customers. Each time she managed to reach deadlines to ensure paperwork was OK and goods could be loaded, shipped or picked up in time.

Now she decided to find herself a new challenge to assist her beloved, nearly husband, to assist him to manage his own business.

The entire BBT team and all of our partners are very grateful to you Inès, to get to know you, work with you and stress with you… :o)


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