Friend of da Houze Eric from Grant Pass Orgeon, send us another cool picture of his (dream)garage…
in the far back there’s his 1959 dove blue single cab, in the front his 1961 Sealing wax red single cab with his 1962 pearl white beetle sitting next to it.
All three cars are absolute all original, including paint….
Nice combo Bro’!!
Sunday morning Eric meet always friends at the local Grant Pass bakery for breakfast, yesterday his buddy showed up in his all original turkish single cab…. hmmm they should have parked the turkish under the color matching umbrella….:)
Thanks for sharing Eric!!
Hubert send us these pictures from a bunch of friends who traveled their split window buses through the desert, must have been a crazy experience…
I have no details when it was or what it was, but the pictures are so cool to look at!